Our Group Center
119 East 28th Street, Buena Vista, VA 24416

One on One Peer Support
Using their personal experience and training, our Peer Recovery Specialists will help guide you through your unique recovery needs and journey. With 1 on 1 support, you will build a strong foundation for a lifetime of sobriety and learn new ways of engaging with family, friends and your community. *Walk-ins welcome

Harm Reduction Services
HARM Reduction strives to reduce and prevent the harm associated with substance usage. We offer our community members testing strips, SID protection and REVIVE! Training. We are a licensed Narcan distributing site. *Must complete REVIVE! Training to receive Narcan.

Counseling Support
We have counselors that volunteer their time and services with Rockbridge Recovery. We offer their services to those that need extra support in their recovery journey.

Resource Center
To help remove as many barriers as possible for our clients to succeed, we offer a Resource Center. Community members can use it to help further their education, help apply for needed assistance, and further their career path. *Ask about our Career Service

Continuing a successful recovery path, means working on different aspects of your life. To help support those areas, we offer a variety of support groups for our community members to choose from and help build their support network.

Hygiene Services
Personal care and having the proper resources is essential to a successful recovery. We offer our clients access to laundry services, care packages and a full bathroom to help support their personal hygiene needs. *Must be scheduled in advance.