Our Peer Center
1809 Magnolia Ave. Suite C Buena Vista, VA 24416

One on One Peer Services
Using their personal experience and training, our Peer Recovery Specialists will help guide you through your unique recovery needs and journey. With 1 on 1 support, you will build a strong foundation for a lifetime of sobriety and learn new ways of engaging with family, friends and your community. *Walk-ins welcome

Resource Center
To help remove as many barriers as possible for our clients to succeed, we offer a Resource Center. Community members can use it to help further their education, help apply for needed assistance, and further their career path. *Ask about our Career Services

Life Skills Support
Our Life Skills Coach offers 1 on 1 support, where you will be equipped with the ability to deal with life’s challenges and demands in a positive and adaptive manner. You will build your interpersonal skills that will help you make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically, communicate effectively, and build healthy relationships.

HARM Reduction Services
HARM Reduction strives to reduce and prevent the harm associated with substance usage. We offer our community members testing strips, SID protection and REVIVE! Training. We are licensed to distribute Narcan. *Must complete REVIVE! Training to receive Narcan.

Wellness Center
Taking care of your overall health and wellness is an important part of your recovery journey. Wellness includes making healthy life choices that support our physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health. To help support our clients' wellness we offer a Wellness Center with exercise equipment for them to use.
*Must be scheduled in advance.

Food Security
With the partnership of our local food pantries we are able to offer meals grab and go meals to our clients and walk-ins. We are also able to help register our community members for continuing food assistance.